Finding Middle Ground in K-12 Education

The subtitle of this book, “Balancing Best Practices and the Law,” tells what two of the nation's top education practitioners Jim Burgett (the administrator) and Brian Schwartz (the lawyer) explain to superintendents, principals, teachers, and school board members.  Each chapter includes the current state of the law, and then applies the law to real case scenarios.


1How to Keep Yourself Legally Safe
2Student Free Speech & Due Process Rights 
3Search & Seizure
4Student Discipline for Off-Campus Misconduct
5Educational Issues Regarding Homeschool Students
6Safeguarding Student Privacy & Records
7.         Teacher, Administrator, & Board Member Rights &                           Responsibilities
8Dealing with Divorce, Difficult Parents, & Other Family                    Issues
9          Managing Money & Student Activity Accounts
10        Accommodating Gay, Transsexual, & Other Student                          Populations
11        Technology & the Schoolhouse
12        Parting Thoughts